Galesburg, Illinois


cop-side-galesburgGalesburg — the county seat in Illinois’ Knox County — is inextricably and historically connected to the railroad industry. The city grew because of the railroad coming out of Chicago and soon it will be home to the National Railroad Hall of Fame as efforts are underway to raise $30 million for the project, which has Congressional approval. The city has celebrated Railroad Days on the fourth weekend of June for nearly four decades. Galesburg was also home to Illinois’ first anti-slavery society and served as a stop on the Underground Railroad. There are plenty more tidbits about Galesburg. It was the hometown of writer Carl Sandburg and now the city has a two-year college named for him. The city also has presidential ties as Ronald Reagan attended second grade at Silas Willard Elementary and Barack Obama mentioned Galesburg in his breakout keynote at the Democratic National Convention in 2004 and near the beginning of his 2010 State of the Union Address. More recently, rapper Common’s 2014 video for the song “Kingdom,” was shot on location in Galesburg by Hype Williams.

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